"Not only is Katie an ace at finding talent, but she also has a keen sense for development. I have never been disappointed by the talent Katie has discovered, and their stories have always played well in series. Katie is a joy to work with! She has a great sense of humor and there is never a task she won't take on. She makes the work environment fun, and people love being around her. She is truly a gem."
"Katie MacIntosh is a casting wizard with incredible instincts and tireless drive to find the perfect solution for producers."
"Katie MacIntosh is one of my most valued casting resources. When I’m looking for real people, as opposed to the annoying reality trolls that populate many of today’s shows, she’s who I turn to. She has a keen eye to finding unique characters with multi-layered potential and enough depth to sustain a show for multiple seasons. She’s a gem and has risen to the occasion for me time and time again.”
"Katie is always my go-to casting expert. She just gets it -- able to see the full picture of a series and is gifted at bringing out exactly what we need from people. I trust her with any project."